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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Missionaries still in need of prayer

Our good friends, the Macks, are in such need of prayer right now. Mr. Mack has evacuated his family, and the more vulnerable members of his church. Two of his children have suffered symptoms from the toxic dumping. The government doesn't seem to be going very fast to remove it. Mr. Mack has set up camp for his congregation that he has evacuated and is going to be moving his family to Ghana...

this is an exerpt from Mr. Mack's letter...."We really need your prayers that the government would take seriously the need to neutralize these dumps and then remove the contamination. This waste has not been stored somewhere here in nice barrels. It has been dumped in liquid form indiscriminately on the ground."

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Bless their hearts. Still praying. I'm having to catch up on my blog reading. I'm sorry if you've felt neglected. LOL We just started back to homeschool this week and it's been really busy.

Love ya!