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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tropical Fish Lesson for Today

I tried to take pictures of my fishies, and my digital camera is just too slow. I decided to just look them up, and get good pictures online. Here are examples of some of the fish in my tank.
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Swordtail Female
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Tiger Barb
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Honey Gourami
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Blue Gourami
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Penguin Tetra
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Black Tetra
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Here is an actual picture of the tank, an up to the minute photo, taken this morning. I put some new rocks in, so the fish could hide, and I fixed the paper in the back of the tank, because it had fallen off.
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Gabey and I are having so much fun watching the fish swim around...Gabey asks..."Are they glubbin' around?" We named the pleco "Glubbie". I learned that some of the fish I got are just fin nippers, so I'm going to get a few more of those so they will have their own school, and hopefully won't mess with the other fish. Also, I think my swordtail might be pregnant! We also have 2 mystery fish. I don't know what they are, and can't find pictures, LOL. Daddy doesn't remember that he bought them. I'll have to go to the fish store, and do some research. They're really weird, totally clear!


Betty's Loosing Race said...

Your fish tank looks pretty colorful. I'm glad you guys are having fun with it.

Kristi said...

That's a pretty tank and the fish are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing that with us. :)
