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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Still sick as a dog

Sorry, my bloggie friends. I've been absent from blogland.
This is my note of excuse, lol. I'll have my mom sign it when she comes over to visit. ROTFL.

I'm still sick as a dog. My head and stomach are just revolting. Yikes.
My daddy was a wonderful daddy today, and stopped by. He took my library items back to the library, and then brought back lunch. I love my Daddy!!

Jeff has been just perfect. I rave about him! As you can all read, I think he's just the best husband in the world. He played with Gabey all night, so I could veg on the recliner. Right now, he's running out to get me some gingerale, and after dinner mints.... and some movies. I LOVE HIM!!


Kristi said...

You poor thing. I hope this passes quickly!! And yes, your hubby is very sweet to do those kind things for you. HE BETTER!!!! HE'S THE ONE THAT MADE YOU SICK!!! LOL hehehehe


Shari said...

ROTFL!!!!! You're a stinker!!
(that was GOOD!)