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Monday, February 05, 2007

Bunny Board

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I found a message board for rabbit owners! I can ask them questions, and put up my photos and stuff. It's a Yahoo group!

One of the owners said, I may just have a bunny that doesn't like to be picked up. Because they're ground animals, it's better just to play with them on their level. She's definitely not shy with me. I lay on the ground, and she just hops all around me, and on me.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI got new Timothy Hay. I had a bag, and I just knew it was a bad batch. It seemed browner, and didn't smell as sweet. I got another bag someplace else, and it was perfect. I think it was the same brand and everything. I'll have to tell the pet shop that they got a bad order.

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