The site has a cool intro, with a test that really is an eye opener for people who have the age old answer..."I'm a good person, so I'll go to heaven."
I haven't checked out the entire site, so I won't say I allign with everything they believe, but he talks about how to know you're going to heaven, and that's the greatest thing you can know.
It's hard to believe he's the same one that played the little devil on Growing Pains. LOL
he got saved in the middle of the run of that show, when he was 17! isn't that wonderful?
Yeah, I remember reading about that when he did the Left Behind movie. My Mother had something on it. It also said that his sister who played on Full House did too.
i just checked out her website the other day, and she's grown into a sweet Christian woman with a hubbie and 3 kids.
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