Gabey's cup opened up in the car, and he spilled juice all over himself as we were about to get on the highway, so we had to turn around and go home to change him. It was a gorgeous drive, 3 hours of trees and sun, and Dunkin Donut mocha blasts, and muffins! Perfect morning road trip fare. Gabey was just perfect. I am always amazed at how good he is. He only complained a few minutes the whole 3 hours. He had the library trains with him, and wanted to be home in his fishy room, so he could play with them on the track. We told him.... you'll be happier where we're going. lol. We got there with only a few minutes to make it to the train, so Jeff dropped us off, and we ran for the conductor. He let us on, and we told him Jeff was on his way. Man, jeff must have been booking, because he made it before the train left, and he had parked 3 blocks away! My husband, the fastest mail carrier in the world.
The fair on the other side of the train was great. There was a set up to play with the toys, and legos, and do stamping, and coloring. We got gabey a tattoo, but he cried, he was so scared, because the lady had to hold his arm, and press the sponge on the tattoo. The poor thing, lol, and he rubbed it off right away. That was the only time he wasn't behaving wonderfully. I was so proud of him. Seeing the other children having spoiled tantrums, and being selfish with the toys, just reminded me how well behaved Gabey really is. We got him a train set, a new Emily train, and a t-shirt. The trip home was great. Gabey slept for some of it, and we just had a relaxing drive home.
here are some pictures....
Oh My, What fun!!! MAtthew was so excited to read this page on your blog with me. Gabby Im glad you had so much fun and were soooo good for Mommy and Daddy!!!
Love ya
I tried to comment a moment ago but something happened. So if you get two I'm sorry.
Anyway! Looks like y'all had a good time. I'm glad. These are times that memories are made of. ;)
Tell your hubby after viewing that first picture, he couldn't deny Gabey if he tried. LOL
oh, that's the biggest struggle, trying not to spoil him. he's so good, it's just so easy to want to give him everything. lol.
i was trying to make the pictures and put them in a different order, lol. kristi is referring to the one where gabey is on jeff's lap. :):) jeff read the comments after my edit, and was so confused, seeing the first photo was now one of Thomas, lol.
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