I spent some time working on making crayons for my sunday school kids. I told them they needed to be in church next Sunday, because I am giving each one a homemade crayon for 9/11. We're going to put little labels on them. I found this crayon maker at the thrift store for less than 5.00. It was brand new, and it works just fine!

Later in the day, we went to Jeff's family's for a nice meal, and some great visiting. We spent some time in the back yard. The guys played basketball, and Gabey had a blast playing with the Tonka trucks that Grandma Linda keeps in her garage.
I'll take pictures of the work we did in the backyard. I'm so proud. lol.
Hey, what a great idea! You got a good deal on that maker too. Ebay has one going for $20. I just had to check that out. LOL
wow. i did get a deal! i couldn't believe it was never even used. lol. i would have at least tried it before donating it. lol.
SIGMA is when our church youth group is divided into teams. We have 50 young people in our church between 13 and 17. We have two teams this year, The Nu Delta Builders (that's us) and the Phi Gamma Knights. We have 25 team members each and last night was our first night back from summer.
Each team got alone and decided their team name, verse, colors, and vice president. The president was already decided by our youth pastor. Anyway, during the school year, we have an outing every other weekend and meet on Wednesday nights during church hour. Our youth pastor preaches, we play games for team points. They have an opportunity to earn individual points for sermon outlines, daily devotions, visitors, biographies of famous preachers, Christian service, etc, etc, etc. LOL At the end of the school year marks the end of SIGMA when we have our big banquet and it is told at that time who took what place in points and which team won in points. If you'd like to see pictures of this year's SIGMA banquet, just copy and past this and you can see the pictures. We try to go all out for the kids.
I hope that kind of clears it up for you. :)
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