This little blinkie is dedicated to our fellow blogger, Tammy, from Tammy's Times. :):) She was posting a small lament about having to mend, and how she always puts it off. I wanted her to see the blinkie, and help her feel better. :):)
This little blinkie is dedicated to another blogger, Betty, (ON THE JOURNEY TO VICTORY)
who wrote about misspelling in her blog. We've all been there. (you can probably go back in my archives, and see a whole slew! LOL.)
Thanks for the blinky. Where did you find those? I think those are great.
i think i found this one on my message board's blinkie page.
i just look them up online right now. i don't know how to make them yet. i just right click and save to my computer, or right click, get the properties, and save that to my photobucket. (lots of times, the creators want a link back, so most of time time, i try to do linkies with my blinkies, lol.
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