What a difference good Godly music makes in a heart and life! I remember when I was away from the Lord, and listening to Alanis Morisette, how bitter, and down on everyting I was. I would start to hate everything. Since I've been close to the Lord again, and since I've purged out all that junky, worldly, hateful music from my life, I feel so much lighter, you know? The music I hear now, is so beautiful, and loving, and it helps me fall in love with the Lord, and live the right kind of life!
Just now, I've been looping the same song over and over for at least 20 minutes! My church website, put up a few of our music specials, and this is becoming my favorite song. When the Ladie's Quartet sang this, Pastor asked them to repeat it, and I was clapping inside, because I was so into it, and really longed to keep hearing it. (Janna, I'm so sorry, LOL..... Poor Janna was at the tail end of bronchitis at the time. Of all times for him to have them sing a song twice. She is the one singing the second verse solo. She has the voice of an angel, I just have to say again.)
Now that it's on the internet, I can listen to it as often as I want!
I hope this link works! This is the song I just ADORE!!
"What a Difference A Day Makes"
This is the page with a list of songs. I love the ones from the Men's Trio.
Thanks for sharing those. I'll have to get over and check those out soon.
Have you enjoyed the Sons of Faith? You know you have to say yes since my son is one of them. LOL hehe
lol, oh yeah! they are a great group of guys!
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