Some people are dog people, and some people are cat people. I never got into either. I had a cat and liked her, but when I had to give her away, I realized that I wouldn't want another one.
It has recently come to me like an epiphany.... I really am a bunny person! I am totally in LOVE with this little bunny bean!
She's adorable. She's a stinker! She's a comedian! She's her own "person". I love everything about her!
This week has been just fantastic. She's been bounding up to me whenever I come into her room. She's been chasing me around. I'll run to the one end of the room, and she'll follow, then back again.
She's been letting me pick her up! I love that. I like bringing her into the living room, and having her sit on my lap, so I can pet her. She's been letting me pet her for really long periods too! Plus, when I stop, she'll follow my hand, and nudge me to do more. I have her spend time in here with us too, in the play pen. I think that has been a great thing for her. She gets to spend time with us, and know what's going on. She has her little Build A Bear house to sit in and feel cozy. She has a TON of cardboard to chew on, LOL, along with her hay, pellets, and water.
Also, I've started giving her a Romaine lettuce leaf every day. She just gobbles that up!
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