I'm realizing I haven't posted anything for a while. It's been a tiring week. We had a revival, and I only got to actually attend 3 of the 6 meetings. I got to see one on the internet too. My hubbie gets home pretty late, and it's just rough trying to rush out the door after he's been outside all day. We just tried not to stress ourselves out about, and took the week as it came. Other than the revival, I had a ton of things going on. When it rains, it pours! LOL.
I got to work this week, and that was nice. I also went to the Home and Garden Show with my sister and adopted sister, Michelle. It was Michelle's birthday, and they took Wednesday off to go. I LOVED it. I was just lured into EVERY single sales booth. It was so much fun! Gabey was really good, and had a blast with his 2 favorite aunties. I bought a fun nail art kit, with art pens and brushes. I had fun practicing with them. I also borrowed money from Chrissy, and got the coolest hair clip. I'll definitely showcase it in a "Do the 'Do". Michelle also gave me another cool hair thingie that makes buns, and an Oxyball Detergent kit. I haven't tried it yet. I keep wondering how it knows not to spit out soap in the rinse cycle. lol.
Today was the busiest of all. I had my dad come over to watch the baby (well, Patty Nanna really watched him. lol.) and I went to a OBGYN appt. (just routine, I'm all healthy.), then we went to lunch, and to the pet shop.
Those Home and Garden shows are wonderful. Have you ever gone to a Southern Ladies show? Well, probably not since it's southern. But they are spectacular!! A lot like the Home and Garden shows.
Oh, I've never been to one of thoses, that would be great!
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