I wish I could have gone to the March For Life in Washington today. My church has a group go every year.
I went 2 times in my life, and it was just awesome to see some kind of stand against abortion.
I recently heard some statistics, and the pro choice group's arguments at the time of the law being passed, absolutely are bologna. They argued that it would slow down the abortion rate, and that it would be used in the hard cases (like incest, rape, and life of the mother) only. They said that it would lower the abuse rate too. They said it wouldn't be used for birth control, or out of convenience.
It's all a lie. (I may not be right one the mark with these figures, because I just heard them last night, so forgive me if they're not exact.)
The percentage of "hard case" abortions are only 2%
The abuse rate is up 500% (a study in the 80's)
Most of them really are being used as birth control, and convenience.
So, for 30 years, this country has been allowing us to kill our babies, out of convenience.
Plus, we don't even know if that 48 million is correct, because the doctors are lying, and calling them DNC's for insurance purposes!!
I don't like seeing the gross pictures that some pro life groups pass around, but I know that even that doesn't phase anyone. We've blinded ourselves to this, just so we can live more comfortably.
Please pray today that the march goes well.
Please, if you believe in this like I do, help spread the word that this has GOT to stop!
Abortin is a sad and legal crime. I do not believe that God turns a blind eye to America's curse on unborn children. Thanks for this post.
I have a book that I loaned to a friend about the woman who was Roe. She has since been saved and given her life to speaking out against abortion and at the back of her book she apologizes to the millions of unborn babies that she helped kill because of the stand she took for abortion years earlier. It is a very good book and will make you cry!
i'm going to have to find that and read it myself. i can only imagine how many tissues i'll need.
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