My friend asked me why Gabey was a miracle baby, if there was a specific story behind my photo blog. I didn't really post it in that sense, it was mostly just because all babies are miracles (she mentioned that too, lol.) When I think of it though, he really is a miracle. I shouldn't be alive, and it's a miracle that I'm having babies.
When I was a baby, they found a heart defect, but at the time heart surgery was just in it's infancy, and so they couldn't' do anything. I went in for a test when I was 5, and they went in, and found out what was wrong. An atrial septal defect, just a tube that needed to be rerouted, from what I'm remembering. Too much blood was going to the one side of my heart, and my heart was enlarged. My mom remembers how skinny I was, and how she could see my heart beating in my chest. I remember a tiny vision from that visit. I was in a room with a few other children, and some of them didn't speak English. One little kid had to be put upside down, I think he had lung problems. Well, there were Popsicles, and I remember one falling on the ground, and one cute little black toddler, just cooing to "look at dat."
By the time I was 7, I was old enough to have the open heart surgery. I went to Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, and some gifted surgeons, and cardiologists worked on my small heart. I remember little snippets from that week. I remember my parents buying me a new little nightie, and that I was excited to be going somewhere, but that when I got there, I realized I didn't want to be there, and cried to go home. I was so upset, and scared, I didn't want to leave my room or play at all. I remember the girl in the in the bed next to me was happy and playing, but I didn't want to. I remember laying on the stretcher to be taken to surgery, and I was so scared. I remember the minty anesthesia they had me breathe in, and with my eyes closed, I remember red shadows all around me. Then I was in ER recovering. I woke up a few times. The worst part of being there was when they took out my breathing tube, I'll always remember that. After that, everything went really well. I had a huge incision, but it was healing fine, I was fine! I was walking pretty quickly, and then wanted to play. Wouldn't you know it, the poor little girl next to me wasn't in the mood to play anymore. I remember hearing her crying, and having to deal with the doctors. We never really did meet. I remember the play room, and how my mom took me for a walk towards the last day. There was a nice little balcony that I remember. I really liked the soap that the hospital used, and my parents actually bought it when I got home, and we used it for years. It was just the yellow Dial. I still love that smell. They bought me an adorable Clown that I named Buttons. I still have him.... here he is.
My dad made me a cute little ponytail holder out of a margarine tub, lol. It was like a little clown, I think and the hole was his laughing mouth. My neighbor across the street was such a sweetheart, and sewed me a wonderful yarn-haired doll, with my name embroidered on the handmade dress.
I had to go back for heart checkups, and EKGs every few years, and finally when I was 21 years old, I went in, did all the tests, and they said, "Your heart is normal! You don't have to come back!" Praise the Lord for saving my life!!
If I didn't have the surgery, I would have been dead by the time I was 12, probably. I wouldn't have been able to do anything strenuous, and if I did live, I wouldn't have been able to live through childbirth. God gave me life, and then He gave me a great marriage, and the most wonderful, cheeky, beautiful son! My whole life is a miracle!
Thanks for sharing that with us. I was laying in bed last night wondering what your heart surgery was all about.
My cousin's baby was at Rainbow Babies. He was born with a heart defect and had surgery at just a few months old. He would have needed several throughout his life but the Lord saw fit to take him home just one week after his first birthday. His death was caused by an ulcer of all things. Most likely because of all the medications he was on.
Just because it IS a small world, they still live near you and their names are Marc and Shelly Rangel...You never know. You might know 'em! :) Marc is my cousin. He's not saved. Born and raised in catholicism. Shelly is saved and bears fruit hoping that one day, Marc will receive Christ as his Saviour. They have had one little boy, Luke, since their first son died. It was a scary pregnancy for Shelly as you can imagine, but everything was fine and Luke is a happy, healthy little boy. :)
oh wow, that's sad that he didn't live, even after the surgery fixed the heart problem. poor little guy. the name doesn't ring a bell, but i'm not surprised at the Cathollic background, this is a Catholic stronghold up here. All my neighbors are Catholic. I'll keep an ear out, lol.
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