Lately, he's been singing the "wise man built his house upon a rock" song, and he says..."and the house on the rock did BURN!" ROTFL. and when the "floods came up" he goes "blub blub!"
Today, he asked for a "bond". I asked him what he meant, and he said, "I just want a bond." ROTFL. I finally understood that he meant a hot dog BUN!
The other day he came and scooted his chair up to me, and said, "I like you. I like your new shirt." I wasn't wearing anything new, but I thought it was so sweet. He must hear me say things like that.
That's sweet. You need to keep a journal and call it "Gabey Said..."
I remember something funny Hannah said when she was little.
She was about three...maybe four...and I went in to clean her room and noticed that she had painted a picture of someone on her wall with fingernail polish. I said, "Hannah Victoria, what is this?" She said, "That's my Paw Paw." I said, "Hannah, why did you paint that on there with fingernail polish????" To which she so innocently replied, "Because I couldn't find my crayons." LOL ROFL
oh mannn, ROTFL.
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