(this picture is older, but it's cute, so i used it anyway.)
9-11-05Hubbie went back to work yesterday, his fingers are all bandaged up, but he had to go. he did ok doing mail, and they even gave him extra. ick. gabey and i went to Half Price Books, and i sold some cds and videos. I told the lady, whatever she didn't want to buy, just keep anyway. while we waited, we went to the kid's section, and played with the puppets and read some board books. i was so proud of myself for not buying anything. books are one of my weaknesses, lol. after the store, i went through bk and got fries for the baby and me, and we stopped at the metroparks. i am so thankful for the metroparks, it's to beautiful. we ate the fries at a picnic table, i put them in the back of one of his plastic dump trucks as a plate. then i pushed him on the swing for a few minutes. i didn't stay long because there was another family there, and the mom wasn't being all that nice to her wild children. i cought a cold somehow, so i slept poorly. and i'm up early. i had to change the bandages for my love before he went to work.i'm not sure what we have planned for today, i know we need to go shopping, but i may wait til hubbie comes home.
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