We got to meet Poppie Ike, Patty Nanna, and Auntie Chrissy at Nela's to have lunch. I had their potato pancake reuben, yummm, and Gabey had "keekah" , and "frie-fries" which in Gabeeze means chicken, and french fries. It was a very nice time. We gave Poppie a picture that Gabey had colored, and stuck stickers all over.
After that, I dropped Chrissy back at work, and Gabey and I went to the park down the street. It was such a perfect day. Sunny, and cool. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Gabey was so good, walking with me. We looked at trees, and butterflies -"fly"s in Gabeeze. He chased one around, and was laughing trying to even get close, it was flitting around so fast. He loved swing ing, and i would ask him if he wanted out, and i would stop the swing, and he would say "fwug?" so i would swing him again. He held a dandelion all the way home.
I pulled in the driveway to find that someone had stolen the bins that i was using to put my recyclables in. I was so disappointed. I guess i'll just go back to the bags again.
Gabey went down for his nap perfectly, and i need to spend some time cleaning for the Bible study tonight. I am so glad they chose to have it at our house for now. Pray for us to get a building soon. We're Northcoast Baptist, a ministry of the Cleveland Baptist Church. We are going to be celebrating out 1 year anniversary this next sunday. I can't believe the time went so fast.
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