(this is my stepdaddy, Paul, holding Gabey when he was born)
9-7-05so today was a fantastic day. my hubbie is home this week because he burned his hand on the lawn mower on labor day. he's a mail carrier, and has his hand in gauze all week, so he just took sick time. well, today, we went to Lodi outlet mall, and walked around with Gabey. we had italian at the food court, and then went to some of the shops. i was so good until i go to their little Christian bookstore, and then i spent $50.00! oops. well, i got all these cool little board books for gabey, and jeff and i got t-shirts, and i got greeting cards for some of my friends. it was a great afternoon. gabey fell asleep for a 1/2 hour on the way home, and it ruined his nap for the entire day. i'm so thankful he wasn't cranky at all. he was way cool. my mom and step dad came over this evening, and we ordered pizza, and just had a great visit. gabey totally showed off for them, running around, and stuff. they just left, it's 11:20pm. paul (my stepdad) earlier, was in his car which was parked on our street, and got sideswiped by a hit and run guy. He was already in the car, and so he followed the guy. The guy pulled in 10 houses down from us!! What a nut! Paul called the police, and when they came the guy had gone. the police said they have had lots of calls for this guy, i guess he must have been drinking, or something, because he had tried to get paul not to call. well, thankfully, it turned out, that paul's car wasn't damaged at all, it just bent his mirror back. but it was so dark and rainy, that he didn't know until later. what a crazy thing to happen. other than that little drama, it was a very pleasant evening. i adore being with my mom, and paul tells the best stories.
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