I loved the banquet. The food was amazing!! I got to sit with some really great friends (my sister and hubbie included, of course). It was so nice. We have a wonderful gypsy ministry in the church, and they catered the food. Yummm. I had ham, and homemade mashed potatoes, and the most amazing green beans EVER. It had like the kind of tomato sauce that you put on meatloaf, holy cow!
We played a game with christmas carols, and it was really hard, I got 2 wrong.
It was cool.
My friends, Lori and Janna, both won a door prize, and Pastor gave a really nice message. it was cute, at the end he mentioned, "I know, I'm preaching to the choir....LITERALLY!" ROTFL. We all laughed.
I'm so excited about the music ministry now. We got a new director, and he's just amazing, and has such a passionate heart for God.
They gave some appreciation awards out, one went to an older gentleman, who recently had eye surgery, and doesn't drive anymore. He was so faithful through it all, and even took the bus sometimes to get to practices. What a blessing.
The other award went to our pianist, who has quietly been faithful for 30 years!! She's played for every practice, and every service. What an awesome testimony.
The best part of the evening was a joke our director played. Holy cow! He made it like he had auditioned someone, and had secretly taped their audition of "Oh Holy Night", he said, this will help you see what I deal with, and that there are people who just shouldn't be in the choir. ROTFL. He played this tape, and we were all crying we were laughing so hard (it was a joke, of course, lol. ) The guy on it broke every musical rule possible, he was off key, off tempo, and sooo hillarious!) I want a copy. ROTFL.
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