Tonight is the night!
We've been waiting to celebrate Christ's birth for a month, and it's almost here!Now, I know that He was probably not born at this time, from what I remember hearing, He came more in the summer months, I think. BUT, we needed a day to commemorate, and meditate on His birth, so the church (again, I'm going off what I remember, I don't know which church, lol.) decided to help the people of the time celebrate a Christ-centered holiday, and steer them away from the alreaady celebrated Pagan holiday at the time.)
But all that aside. This is the night we stop and think of the miracle that is Christ. He's all we have ever needed, and all we will ever need. Our works won't save us. Our church membership, our birth, our ancestry, nothing can make the way to heaven. God will NOT accept sin into heaven. We are sinful, it's the way we were born. We needed Christ, it's as simple as that. People are always trying to make it so complicated, but Christ Himself said for us to accept the gospel like a little child, in simple faith.
Christ is our GIFT, our payment for the sins we've done. We accept HIM, and have faith that He's cleansed us, and that's it. We have a home in heaven because we're going through HIM, not anything else.
I love the line that Christ said on the cross... "It is finished." It was the phrase that artists would put on their finished artworks, and what people would sign on the bottom of a receipt of a bill that was PAID IN FULL! How wonderful that Christ is all the payment we'll ever need?
Wouldn't it be the greatest gift of all if you accepted Christ as your Savior tonight?
1 comment:
Shari, that was a really sweet post. Full of the truth of the gospel of Christ.
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