My world is not very big. I have a home and family. I am a child to my Savior, a mom to my 2 boys, a wife to my husband, and a best friend to my sister. I love my little world and wouldn't trade it for anything. What else is there than to love and be loved, to care for and be cared for, to teach and be taught?
Search This Blog
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Frappie in her room
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Some Christmas Pics
opening gifts in the morning, and making a happy mess. lol.
at Linda Mom's (my mommy in law)
her fantastic ceramic village
playing with his newest train
back at our house
gabey's new tricycle, gift from Poppie
My favorite Coffee Place
My favorite coffee place just happens to be in my own kitchen, thanks to my favorite coffee coming right to my door. (this blog sounds like an advertisement, lol, but I really am all for this coffee!)
I want to tell you what a great company Gevalia is! They're a coffee company that ships the most amazing tasting coffee. You join, and can choose how often you receive your shipments. I get mine every 8 weeks, but I could lengthen it if I wanted to. The coffee quality is always perfect, and I think the price is good for something so high standard. It's pretty much my one indulgence. :)
On top of them carrying the best coffee, though, the aspect that I most admire is their customer service. I have phoned once, and emailed once, because of problems with shipping. The fault was the carrier (it wasn't USPS, lol.), not Gevalia, but they made ammends anyway, because they're just that good of a company. Both times I contacted them, I got practically immediate response, and resolution. I am just so satisfied with them, and I wanted everyone to know what a fantastic Coffee I've found. LOL.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas is HERE!
Tonight is the night!
We've been waiting to celebrate Christ's birth for a month, and it's almost here!Now, I know that He was probably not born at this time, from what I remember hearing, He came more in the summer months, I think. BUT, we needed a day to commemorate, and meditate on His birth, so the church (again, I'm going off what I remember, I don't know which church, lol.) decided to help the people of the time celebrate a Christ-centered holiday, and steer them away from the alreaady celebrated Pagan holiday at the time.)
But all that aside. This is the night we stop and think of the miracle that is Christ. He's all we have ever needed, and all we will ever need. Our works won't save us. Our church membership, our birth, our ancestry, nothing can make the way to heaven. God will NOT accept sin into heaven. We are sinful, it's the way we were born. We needed Christ, it's as simple as that. People are always trying to make it so complicated, but Christ Himself said for us to accept the gospel like a little child, in simple faith.
Christ is our GIFT, our payment for the sins we've done. We accept HIM, and have faith that He's cleansed us, and that's it. We have a home in heaven because we're going through HIM, not anything else.
I love the line that Christ said on the cross... "It is finished." It was the phrase that artists would put on their finished artworks, and what people would sign on the bottom of a receipt of a bill that was PAID IN FULL! How wonderful that Christ is all the payment we'll ever need?
Wouldn't it be the greatest gift of all if you accepted Christ as your Savior tonight?
A Little Information About Lionhead Rabbits
The Lionhead Rabbit is a fairly new breed for the US. It was first imported in 1999! They're gorgeous, with a little mane that looks like a fuzzy lion. She's a dwarf, which means she'll stay small, and light.
Here's a little site that has some information on Lionheads. They don't authorize any reproduction of their information, but from what I read on their site. The lionheads make great pets! Their mane is like the real African lion's mane, like extremely soft wool. They're very friendly, and easy to train too! I can tell already that she's a fantastic pick for our house. She's friendly and curious, and not too shy.
Their history started in Belgium where a litter was crossbred of Belgian Dwarf, and Swiss Fox. They continued to make crossbreeds in England, and it seems this new breed the EUROPEAN LIONHEAD RABBIT developed from there. If I'm reading the information correctly, this is the first major mutation in rabbits since the early 1900's! Isn't that so awesome?
another site said this...
"The Lionhead makes a lovely pet as well as a show rabbit , and is very well tempered & friendly, enjoying plenty of attention and fuss, but not requiring a massive amount of grooming, as the mane does not tend to matt up nearly as much as normal long hair in a rabbit."
This is a photo I found of what looks like an adult lionhead with similar coloring to "Frappie". I hope they don't mind me putting the picture up here. :)
Here is my Lionhead, she's 6 weeks old. I named her Frappie, because she's my little Mocha Frappucino!
They say, because it's such a new breed that there's always a chance that the mane may molt and not come back, or it may molt and come back thicker than ever. With or without the mane, she's perfect!
Christmas Dinner (a plea for prayer!)
You won't believe (well, with me you would, lol.) one year, I totally read the directions wrong and didn't realize it said "per pound" yeah, i was like, oh SWEET, it's only going to take a little bit!
So dinner was EXTREMELY late.
ANOTHER year, I forgot to take the plastic off it!!
I'm so surprised my family still lets me host Christmas, and Easter. ROTFL!!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Messy Frappie
I've had her out so much. She's so good, really personable! Jeffie got to hold her for a while last night, and she was really enjoying it. She just laid on his lap with her eyes droopy. I wanted to get a pic of them, but she looked sleepy and I didn't want to ruin the moment they were having. :)
Friday, December 22, 2006
Some Musical Christmas Advice...
Some Musical Christmas Advice
Make out your CHOPIN LISZT early before DEBUSSY season, when you have time to check out VERDI good bargains are, can still get gifts FAURE good prices, not have to HANDEL large crowds and have time to give BACH things you decide you don't want.
Our Christmas Choir Banquet
I loved the banquet. The food was amazing!! I got to sit with some really great friends (my sister and hubbie included, of course). It was so nice. We have a wonderful gypsy ministry in the church, and they catered the food. Yummm. I had ham, and homemade mashed potatoes, and the most amazing green beans EVER. It had like the kind of tomato sauce that you put on meatloaf, holy cow!
We played a game with christmas carols, and it was really hard, I got 2 wrong.
It was cool.
My friends, Lori and Janna, both won a door prize, and Pastor gave a really nice message. it was cute, at the end he mentioned, "I know, I'm preaching to the choir....LITERALLY!" ROTFL. We all laughed.
I'm so excited about the music ministry now. We got a new director, and he's just amazing, and has such a passionate heart for God.
They gave some appreciation awards out, one went to an older gentleman, who recently had eye surgery, and doesn't drive anymore. He was so faithful through it all, and even took the bus sometimes to get to practices. What a blessing.
The other award went to our pianist, who has quietly been faithful for 30 years!! She's played for every practice, and every service. What an awesome testimony.
The best part of the evening was a joke our director played. Holy cow! He made it like he had auditioned someone, and had secretly taped their audition of "Oh Holy Night", he said, this will help you see what I deal with, and that there are people who just shouldn't be in the choir. ROTFL. He played this tape, and we were all crying we were laughing so hard (it was a joke, of course, lol. ) The guy on it broke every musical rule possible, he was off key, off tempo, and sooo hillarious!) I want a copy. ROTFL.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Our Anniversary. :)
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I Brought Home the Best Frappie Ever!
My little fuzzy Frappie!
Gabey is sniffing her!
"She's sniffing my toe!"
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Snowflakes Show God's Handiwork
Psalm 19:1-3
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
www.snowcrystals.com (The site requires permission to reproduce the pictures, so I'm just giving you the link, and you can see them for yourself.)
Here is a most beautiful site with photos of real, natural snowflakes! What a tiny miracle!
They're masterpieces!
God does these things so that we will look at them, and think of Him.
Here is a picture that I took at Niagara Falls. The mist from the falls made a thick sheet of ice over everthing, and made the lamp posts look like ice angels! At night, when the lights were on, it was just a gorgeous scene to behold. God is so Great!
Friday, December 15, 2006
If You Found a Driver's License?
I don't know, I figure I would just turn it in at the customer service at the store I found it. I lost my license a while ago, and a nice man picked it up, and instead of turning it in, he took it home, and tried to find me online. He found my brother in law and told him that he would be popping it in the mail for me. Well, that's all well and good, except that my brother in law didn't know my current address or phone number, and the guy never left his name or anytyhing. So, my adress is not current, (it was expiring in march, so I figured I would just update it then. I never dreamed I'd lose it.) The forwarding service has expired, and my license is wandering around somewhere. What a fiasco! I called the city where I used to live, and the lady was short with me, and told me she hadn't seen anything. I'm sure she looked- not. I've learned my lesson, I know now to keep my address current, but what if God was protecting me? What if the man was trying to find me? What kind of world is this that a person can't feel safe anymore? I've waited for a while now, trying to be patient, hoping it would find it's way back, but I'm just going to have to get another one, and hope that the old one doesn't fall into the hands of a criminal. Pray that this gets sorted out, and the God keeps me safe.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Dorothy's Garden: Repent
(this is my mom's writing from her blog. i loved it so much. i had to blog it.)
After reading the Bible all the way through, I believe the key word is repent. Pharaoh didn't repent, even after all those plagues including the death of his son. I think Jesus would have forgiven Judas if he had repented. In the book of Revelation, during the tribulation, people will not repent and turn to God.
Jesus said: "... except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Luke 13:3
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
Acts 3:19-21
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
Even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Eph. 2:4-6
Repent, trust Christ, and be saved!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Snowman Soup, and Reindeer Food
I found these on www.organizedchristmas.com
I made the Reindeer Food for my sunday school and they LOVED it!
(I know I wasn't supposed to use glitter, but nothing else was making it sparkle like it should, I'll try making it with more colored sugar next year, and no glitter.)
Magic Reindeer Food: Stocking Stuffer Gift
by Cynthia Townley Ewer
Many families leave cookies and milk for Santa, but what about his reindeer? Magic Reindeer Food lays a glittering path to guide the reindeer on Christmas Eve.
[Note: while many recipes for Magic Reindeer Food call for craft glitter, this ingredient can harm birds or wildlife if ingested. Substitute colored sugar crystals and be kind to animals!]
In a small zipper food storage bag or empty shaker container, mix:
1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup red or green sugar crystals (for cake decorating)
Add this poem or print multiple copies of the Reindeer Food Gift Tag:
Be sure to take this magic food and sprinkle on the lawn,
On Christmas, Santa's reindeer travel miles before the dawn.
The smell of oats and glitter path will guide them on their way
And you'll wake up to Santa's gifts next morn on Christmas Day!
Snowman Soup: Sweet Stocking Stuffer
by Cynthia Townley Ewer
Warm the hearts of good little boys and girls with a packet of Snowman Soup!
Assemble in a gift bag, gift mug or small zipper food storage bag:
1 individual pack hot chocolate mix
3 Hershey's chocolate kisses
10-15 mini-marshmallows
small candy cane
Use our free printable Snowman Soup Gift Tag, or hand-write this poem and attach to gift:
Snowman Soup
Was told you?ve been real good this year.
Always glad to hear it!
With freezing weather drawing near,
You?ll need to warm the spirit.
So here?s a little Snowman Soup
Complete with stirring stick.
Add hot water, sip it slow.
It?s sure to do the trick!
I think I'm going to do the Snowman Soup too, it sounds so cute!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Christmas Caroling
I sing in a Ladies' Ensemble in church, and we had our little party last night, and an ornament exchange. Then we went caroling to some of the "shut-ins" (older people who can't get out to come to church anymore) from our church. We made huge gift baskets, and gave each person one.
It was such a fun night. I had such a good time.
For the ornament exchange, we played a game the "Right's Christmas" where the leader read a story with a bunch of "right" and "left" and we had to follow the directions and pass the wrapped ornaments around the circle.
Here is the one i got. It's sooo pretty.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Christmas at the Mall
We got to spend a little time at the mall last night, and Gabey played in the playland, and got to watch the carousel. There's a carousel IN the mall! It's gorgeous! We didn't get to spend too much time there, but we did get to see one of the Christmas trees there and get a picture in front of it.