This pillow is from my Grandma, the nurses would give her the supplies when she was in the hospital, and she would tie these pillows together. It's so soft and sweet, I'm glad my sister gave me the care of it.
I have a collection of Baby Trolls, and so many of them have yellow hair, lol.
Yellow is so cheery, it's just the perfect thing for a dreary Monday. Check out the list of other blogs that are helping make Monday... Mellow Yellow!
That blanket must be very special :)
I played too :)
that's a pluffy looking yellow pillow! :)
My MellowYellow
Hehe you are right..i am having trouble sometimes on what to post for Yellow monday since there are many yellow..ehehe but it is quite fun and enjoyable finding and choosing one to post... You have nice yellows here..thanks for visiting mine
That does look like a comfy pillow there...I remember having a troll when they first came out...years ago. Nice pics!
What a special pillow! Have a great day! :o)
I used to have troll dolls when I was a child.
Is that a troll? Ah I have them in pink or green hair :D Lovely pillows!
Nice about the pillow. But I have a super hard time finding yellow. Isn't that funny. I am constantly on the search for it. Well I will be in better shape when spring finally hits where I live! LOL
I agree with you! It does become easy. Cause your eyes are only searching for a certain color. And I think your pictures of that pillow and troll is very sweet.
Thanks for commenting on my Yellow Monday Blog!
I used to love trolls!
Yellow Troll hair suits very well in this Challenge! My daughter has collected Trolls too.
Nice pillow, that's nice to have from your grandmother. I love those trolls! Thanks for stopping by mine.
oh i used to collect trolls too when i was younger. takes me back that lol
What fun shots. I like that pillow. Looks like one I'd snuggle up with in a minute. I like your cursur too.
thanks everyone. yellow is easy in this house, all the boys fisher price and little tykes toys have tons of yellow. i'm set for subjects for months to come, lol.
The pillow is lovely and must hold special memories for you. I laughed at the troll doll hair. I remember having troll dolls as a kid. Fun post! Hope you have a great week! :D
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