Chrissy came over on Saturday, and gave me some free time, so I decided to start a project I've been thinking about for a while. I've started gathering all the craft supplies that have been scattered all over the house, and put them all in one spot by the table downstairs. Now, if we want to paint, or do crafts, all we have to do is go to the craft table, and it's all there for us. I also don't have to worry about any messes, because it's just the basement. We used it a lot already.
Chrissy and I went to Joanne Fabrics, and then Flower Factory. I got some really cute craft projects and supplies.
Here are some pictures of our Saturday crafts.
New Craft table


Wooden Painty Car

Foamy Race Cars (can you see a theme? LOL.)

What a blessing that Gabey can go down in the basement again. Now, you don't have to put everything away each day, and the upstairs isn't so cluttered. I know how much you love doing crafts. Craft stuff can really expand, can't it? It's great to have it all in one place.
Great place for busy hands!!!
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