A while ago, I was asked by our friends, John and Kara, to sing at NorthCoast Baptist's 2 year anniversary service yesterday morning. I was so excited! If you've followed my posts for a while, you'll remember that we helped alongside John when he was led to start NorthCoast. Jeff led singing and ushered, and I sang specials and helped lead singing at the nursing home ministry.
For a while, we met in a senior resident apartment building, on the 4th floor on Sundays, and at my house for Wednesday night Bible study. God blessed us with a wonderful little church building in February 06. It was so exciting to watch a baby church grow. We signed the charter when NorthCoast became a church, and left the umbrella of CBC's ministries.
In May, Jeff and I felt that we were needed back at Cleveland Baptist. We left NorthCoast, with a sadness about leaving our good friends, but with an excitement of being used again at CBC. So, you can imagine how happy I was to accept their request to sing, and to visit NorthCoast again.
Well, Saturday night, I laid down a little early, after putting the baby to bed, and just a few hours later, he came in crying, and I let him sleep with us. He spent the night, kicking me, and keeping me awake, plus, I noticed that my sinuses were raw, and I just prayed..."Lord, don't let Satan keep me from doing this."
I woke up in the morning, and was DIZZY! I was having to lean on the walls to get to the restroom! I was so upset. I assume it's an ear infection. I didn't want to MISS the service! I woke up and talked to Jeff about maybe staying home, and asked him to get me some sinus medicine. After about an hour, I felt better, and not dizzy anymore. PTL!! I rushed and got ready, and was able to make it to the service! They had a sweet lady, Mrs. Reed, playing the piano. She's a missionary to Brazil, and is such a blessing at NorthCoast on her furlough. She played for me, and I sang..."Great and Marvelous!" I was just so happy to be there. We stayed for the luncheon afterwards, and I was able to visit with my wonderful friend, Kara, and see her children.
God lifted me up, and let me stand!! Thank you Lord, for helping me feel better, so I could be a part of that awesome 2 year anniversary of NorthCoast Baptist.
I'm so glad you got to sing for them and for the LORD. God is good. I sing too. Hubby backs me up on guitar and sometimes my son will sing with me. I love singing for the LORD.
oh, that's so awesome! i keep telling hubbie that he needs to learn piano, so he can accompany me. :):)
That's awesome that you were able to sing at your old church. I know that had to be special and good to see all your old friends.
Praise the Lord!
i missed kara so much. because of potty training, we missed the summer, and she homeschools, so there won't be time for playdates now either.
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