I have had so much fun putting together treasuries on Etsy, here is my list of treasuries so far.
My world is not very big. I have a home and family. I am a child to my Savior, a mom to my 2 boys, a wife to my husband, and a best friend to my sister. I love my little world and wouldn't trade it for anything. What else is there than to love and be loved, to care for and be cared for, to teach and be taught?
today has been mostly great! God is so good.
We visited one new playground this morning, for a little while (we never stay at the ones without bathrooms for long.) that was nice... then we came back home, and headed right back out to meet jeffie, and bring him lunch.
i set up a little picnic lunch for us all in a school playground that had a nice picnic area. it was wraps again. man, i love those so much. i'm almost out of the 2 packages i got this weekend. haha. so a second new playground visited.... then another trip for a bathroom break, and more to drink.... and on to playground #3. haha!! (i'm trying to make this the finale of our playground summer.)
well, on the way to the next playground, :(:( i witnessed something horrible. a group of kids were riding their bikes across the street. they were on the crosswalk, but for some reason they were out in the middle of the street at the wrong time, and all the cars kept going.... i stopped... because the one boy decided to try to beat the cars... he got hit. :(:(:( i was so shocked. the boy's bike was totalled, but he got up... i was so glad to see him get up. but it was nuts that he was crying and upset that the lady had killed his bike. it was his fault for riding in front of a moving vehicle. i'm just so astounded by all the pedestrians and bikers that assume that a vehicle can stop if they get in front of them. don't even get me started on that. haha. i hope he's ok, and very thankful that the accident wasn't more serious. i'm also thankful the boys didn't take it as hard as i did. i slowly got past the mess, and then just started bawling.
but... just a few minutes down the road, i was on the parkway, and noticed a family of deer lunching in a person's front yard... i was able to put my hazards on, and stop to watch them and take photos. i will forever believe and be grateful, that it was the Lord that put those deers there to help comfort me. i am very visual. so this was like a little healing for my soul, after what i had seen earlier.
we spent the rest of the afternoon at the playground, and i met some great people. one lady homeschools, and goes to a romanian baptist church, and knows beth from church. it was cool to get to know her. and then another lady talked to me, and i found out that she named two of her boys GABRIEL and GIDEON!!! and she calls them Gabey and Giddy! can you even believe that?? it's uncanny! they were on the playground too! she said she kept wondering why someone was calling her boys. hahaha!! that was just the coolest.
also, i got to get some photos of an adorable baby squirrel who came up right behind me to munch on something.
so all in all, it was a blessed day. i'm thankful, so thankful that my boys... that my whole family... is safe and sound, thankful that i have a car to take us places. and that we have so many cool places to go. lol.