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Monday, May 28, 2007

These Flowers Must be Made of Gold!

For the price I paid for these flowers, they had better be growing money somehow for me to harvest. ROTFL. I got some of the ones I really wanted though.
I'll show more pictures after I plant them.

A few flats of celosia, and dusty miller, plus some portulaca, and a little Lamb's Ear
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Gerbera Daisies, my favorite! (I call them gerber babies)
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Hanging Baskets
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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rejoicing in HEAVEN

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Tonight was my night to go to the church service, and I was able to be so much more relaxed because Gabey's counts have gone up so much. I was just so happy to be in the service, and one of my favorite evangelists preached.

It was such a blessed service. 2 men went forward to be saved!....
and one of them....was my friend's HUSBAND!! She's been praying for him for like 15 years! She's been faithful in church and in the ministry all this time, bringing her kids to church faithfully! Her husband never did want to come, and it turns out the Lord has been working on him the past few weeks, and tonight he walked up during invitation, and accepted Christ! Oh MAN, the entire church just gasped, and a ton of us started crying, and a few of us clapped (we don't really clap in the service, lol.) and everyone else started clapping. I mean, we're a congregation of what 800 on a Sunday night? and all of us were just WOOOOWWWW!
During his closing prayer, I could tell Pastor had tears in his voice. It was just such a happy night!

THEN when I walked out of the church (after hugging and talking with my friends- I joked that since Gabey's counts were up, I could give hugs, lol)

There was a HUGE rainbow all the way across the sky, and then I noticed that it was DOUBLE in one section! I called Jeffie and made him run outside to see it (he was at home with Gabey) He got to take this picture. I got to see the whole rainbow from end to end, and the double part up the left side. I just thought..."What a great gift!"
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MAN, was there rejoicing in HEAVEN tonight!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ordered Flowers

I ordered flowers from a cool company called, Burgess. I got some trees, and some perennials, plus some seed packets for sunflowers. They gave free gifts too.
Today, I'm hoping to go to Walmart to buy some annuals to put out front. 'Tis the season to think green.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Follow me to Cleveland Baptist Church!

The evening service is being livestreamed right now! 7pm.

click on the "live video" button on the top right.

They livestream their services every Sunday morning at 11am
Sunday evening at 6pm, and Wednesday at 7pm.

Enjoy. I LOVE it!

AWESOME Craft Kit Club!

My good friend, and the coolest auntie signed us up for a Craft Kit Club!!
I'm so excited, we'll get a package every month! I bawled when I opened it!
We made a craft already from the kit.

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I ran to the bathroom, and I came back to find that Gabey had already found some stickers and was having fun with them!
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Our first craft
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We also painted today, and yesterday we made a little telescope out of a paper towel roll. :)
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

19 Weeks

I went in for an appt with my OB, and it went just great. The baby's doing just fine. I saw the heartbeat, and her little head. She's a tiny bit breech, but it's so early, it will definitely change.
I'll go in for the real ultrasound soon, and find out if I'm just wishful thinking or if it really is a little girl. ROTFL.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Goofy Gabey Pictures

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don't mind gabey's crying, we just woke him up. he fell asleep on his skittles!!
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Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Dad's Wonderful Donation

My dad has had a braid down his back for years, and yesterday, he pulled it into a braid, and had my stepmommy cut it all off, so he could donate it to Locks of Love!!!
I tear up just writing this! I'm so proud of him! He was praying so hard for Gabey, and told God that he would do this, and the next day was when we got the results that Gabey's leukemia cells were now less than 1%.
He believes with all his heart that it was God's way of telling him that He was pleased with Daddy's decision.

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This is a collage he made up after he cut his hair.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Boredom Busters

We've been in the house a lot. We're bored. So, I've been working on getting crafty things that we can do easily. I've been downloading and cutting out a ton of paper crafts that just have to be glued on construction paper. Today, I went out and got a few cute craft supplies, some foamie and felt stick-ons, some foamie book marks, and some pom poms. We had a lot of fun putting these together.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Nice Drive

We had a really good day today. Gabey felt so much better, and was playing around. He and I did stamps, and stickers, and hung out in the back yard for a while.
When Jeff got home, we ate and then went for a really nice drive through the park. We stopped at one of the lakes, and walked around. It was so cool to see Gabey trotting around on the path enjoying himself so much. He's getting his energy back, I'm so thankful. His muscles seem a little weaker, and that's one of the side effects of the one med he's getting. Sometimes, when he's going up the stairs, or getting up from a crouching position, he just seems to lose his strength. I'm hoping that clears up soon.
On the way home we stopped to get the East Coast Custard, but the line stretched all the way to the street, so we decided to just pop in McD's for ice cream instead. We got through the window, and got ice cream, and Gabey who had dozed off, popped up, and said, "I want chicken nuggets and fry fries." So, we went around again, LOL.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Go See my other BLOG!

I posted amazing news this morning about Gabey's test results from Thursday!! Go check it out! (hee hee, i'm keeping you in suspence.)

This is Gabey eating Cheetos. He says "Wowweee" after just about every cheeto!
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Here are some cute Gabey baby sweetie feet!!
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

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To all of my Moms,
and to all of my friends and family who are Moms (to children or pets).
I love you all, and wish you the best today, and every day.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Newest Thomas the Train

Thank you Auntie Shelly for this awesome Thomas the Train set!
The train goes by itself, and you can put water in it, and it will toot, and puff steam!
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Friday, May 11, 2007

I will probably close this blog (from Frappie Bunny Blog)

Recently we had some bad news in regards to our 3 year old son.
He's been diagnosed with leukemia, and has been starting treatment for it.
We decided we needed to simplify the house, and also reduce the risk of germs to Gabey, so we gave away our houseplants, and our bunny. A great friend, Shell, is bunnysitting for us.
We're not sure if we'll be able to keep her, but for now, she's being very well taken care of.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Wonderful Gift from the Lord

It's been a few years since God has given me any songs to write. I've never felt like it was me writing them, but just God guiding me along.

Praise Him! Sunday, I woke up, looked at the sunshine, and just got this huge gift from the Lord. I really felt like He was touching me, to tell me "it's ok, I'm here!" by giving me the inspiration for this song.

Praise His Name

It's a beautiful day,
Since the Lord is in charge;
A beautiful day,
Since I'm not on my own.

He's the King of my Soul...
Forever will be...
Praise His name!

He is guiding my way
Through the highs and the lows.
He's guiding my way
Wherever I go.

He's my Strength and my Shield...
Forever will be...
Praise His name!

He keeps me singing,
Even in my darkest days.
He gives me comfort
To face
Whatever it takes...
Whatever befalls...
Whateve my Lord wants
I'm giving it ALL.

It's a beautiful day
Even through all the trials.
The hopes and the blessings
Are worth every mile.

He's the Giver of Gifts...
The Maker of Dreams...
Praise His name!

With no questioning why
I will follow Him through.
The length of my days
I will always be true.

He's my Savior, my Life,...
My love and my Joy,...
Praise His name!

-shari dippong 5/6/07

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

We went for a drive

It was gorgeous out yesterday, so we hung around out back for a while, and then went for a long drive. Of course, we had to stop for chicken nuggets for the baby. He's been asking for chicken nuggets or bacon every day. ROTFL.

He's doing great. He's just happy to be off the "tubey". He keeps trotting up and down the hall, and at one point, he said...."I'm not plugged in!"

My tulips are beautiful, fully grown, and just lush. I'm thankful they waited for me to come home so I could enjoy them. :)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Link to Gabey's Blog page

I really want to keep this blog as my main blog about all the happy times we have as a family, so I decided to make another blog to keep everyone updated on Gabey's Leukemia.

This blog will contain our medical updates on how Gabey's treatment is going, and also prayer requests, and needs that we have. Thanks so much everyone.


i guess there's no way to go about this blog gently, and those of you reading the news for the first time will be as shocked as we were.

last week we went to the urgicare with gabey, thinking he might be dehydrated. we mentioned some pain he had in his leg, and they took some blood tests, just in case of infection. they found some abnormalities, and sent us over to cleveland clinic hospital.
after some more tests, we've learned that our sweetie has leukemia.

it's been a very long emotional week. we're just clinging to the Lord right now to get us through. He has shown us that He is near, and has answered many prayers as we've gone along.
we've been in the hospital since last monday, and were just released last night. it's good to be home. we're pretty drained.

i still want to keep this blog about the happy times we have as a family, so I'm going to make a new blog to keep you updated with prayer requests, and needs, and news as his treatment goes on. it's a 2 1/2 year treatment, and praise the Lord, the type of leukemia he has is the most common and best treatable. it has a 90% cure rate.