Tonight was my night to go to the church service, and I was able to be so much more relaxed because Gabey's counts have gone up so much. I was just so happy to be in the service, and one of my favorite evangelists preached.
It was such a blessed service. 2 men went forward to be saved!....
and one of them....was my friend's HUSBAND!! She's been praying for him for like 15 years! She's been faithful in church and in the ministry all this time, bringing her kids to church faithfully! Her husband never did want to come, and it turns out the Lord has been working on him the past few weeks, and tonight he walked up during invitation, and accepted Christ! Oh MAN, the entire church just gasped, and a ton of us started crying, and a few of us clapped (we don't really clap in the service, lol.) and everyone else started clapping. I mean, we're a congregation of what 800 on a Sunday night? and all of us were just WOOOOWWWW!
During his closing prayer, I could tell Pastor had tears in his voice. It was just such a happy night!
THEN when I walked out of the church (after hugging and talking with my friends- I joked that since Gabey's counts were up, I could give hugs, lol)
There was a HUGE rainbow all the way across the sky, and then I noticed that it was DOUBLE in one section! I called Jeffie and made him run outside to see it (he was at home with Gabey) He got to take this picture. I got to see the whole rainbow from end to end, and the double part up the left side. I just thought..."What a great gift!"

MAN, was there rejoicing in HEAVEN tonight!