i have to tell you what happened yesterday. Gabey and i looked around the house for 1/2 and hour for his bunny. he followed me around calling "munnie, ahyoo?" i could not find him anywhere! i scoured the whole house and basement! i finally laid him down and told him i'd bring bunny in when i found him. i took a break (as i was pretty frustrated) and then started again. i crawled around our bedroom and looked under the bed and dressers. i remembered that he had been playing by my night stand. well, there is a little cabinet in my nightstand, and gabey had taken out the bag of film i had in there, and PUT BUNNY INSIDE! he had actually closed the door too! i was so surprised. i brought it in to him, and he was able to finally settle down for his nap. i told him i'm going to strap the bunny to him like we do the binkie. lol.